Soil Testing
Soil sampling allows you to optimize yields, minimize fertilizer costs. Managing the nutrient content of the soil is one key to
Forage Testing
Get out what you put in! Understanding the nutrient value of forage is essential to producing or maintaining livestock. Increased profit is the primary reason producers need to know the quality of the forages they feed livestock. Accurate analysis of all feedstuffs is needed for balancing rations, formulating leased costs supplements, using homegrown forages efficiently and pricing hay correctly.
Manure Testing
The proper management of manure can greatly offset your commercial fertilizer costs. Four important steps are required to use manure effectively in a soil fertility program 1) a complete soil analysis to determine nutrient needs, 2) a manure analysis to determine nutrient content, 3) an estimate of nutrient availability in manure 4) estimation of an application rate to supply a prescribed amount of available nutrients. CCE Sullivan offers manure testing through our diagnostic lab.
Livestock Water Testing
Testing drinking water for livestock is an important step for diagnosing problems related to water quality that could limit productivity and profitability.
Agriculture Identification and Treatment (Diseases/Pests/Plants)
Identifying the disease or insect pest is the first step to solving plant problems. Once the issue is resolved, we can offer recommendations on how to resolve.
Michelle Proscia
Agriculture Production Program Manager
(845) 292-6180 Ext. 129
Last updated February 7, 2022