Image from article titled, “How canceled events and self-quaratines save lives, in one chart” using data from the CDC.
Image by

Data from the CDC representing spacial distancing as a way to "flatten the curve".

covid 19
Image by CDC

What you need to know from resources you can trust.

Work from home stock photo

Our office is continuing to serve the community remotely. Call or email us!

Public Health and COVID-19

Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County is still your trusted resource of choice, when you need it the most.

Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) prioritizes the health, safety, and well-being of the communities we serve. CCE offers technical assistance by appointment, email or phone, and many programs and meetings have transitioned to online or outdoor spaces. CCE phone and email lines of communication are OPEN. Call 845-292-6180 or e-mail

Please visit our events page for the most up-to-date listings and events. Be well!

Even if you are not concerned about your own health, we ask that you be mindful of your neighbors who may be stressed by the situation and worried about loved ones. Taking action now through social distancing to limit contact with one another may seem like extraordinary measures, but this strategy mitigates the spread of the virus and reduces the burden on our healthcare system as seen in the graph attached.

The COVID-19 outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation and CCE is committed to providing resources that will help keep our communities resilient through tough times. We will continuously update our events webpage at so you can stay informed about the status of each event. 


Last updated September 1, 2023