Family caregivers who are assisting an aging, ill or disabled family member or friend can take part in a range of programs and services offered through The Caregiver Resource Center, a program offered in partnership by CCE Sullivan and the Sullivan County Office of the Aging. We invite you to explore these pages, find out about what we offer, and call or come by to take advantage of all that we offer.
You can reach the Caregiver Resource Center at (845) 292-6180 ext. 122 or
Caregivers make up all segments of our community~ Mothers & Fathers, Husbands & Wives, Sons & Daughters. The Office for the Aging knows that 80% of all care that is received by our older population is given through an informal care system made up of family members, friends and neighbors.
Their compassionate care & determination makes it possible for an elderly, ill or frail family member or friend to receive the help where and when they need it.
The multiple responsibilities of a caregiver equals a job and a half!
Because of all the support provided by informal caregivers, many elderly Sullivan County residents are able to stay in their homes.
Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Office for the Aging of Sullivan County work together to help both the senior and the caregiver. Services assist those who are caring for a family member and help the senior to remain in the lifestyle of their choosing for as long as possible.
Caregivers can call the CRC for general assistance, and for referrals to area agencies that would provide services appropriate to their unique situation.
Join us for brunch!
Family caregivers of anyone with an illness, disability, or form of dementia are welcome to join a bimonthly support group providing a safe, non-judgmental environment in which you can talk openly about issues and concerns and get tips for caregiving.
The following Mondays from 10-11am:
Oct. 21 / Nov. 4 / Dec. 2
Registration is required by calling 845-292-6180 x 122 or clicking on this link:
New time starting in July!
The Caregiver Resource Center, in collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association Hudson Valley Chapter, hosts Bimonthly meetings for caregivers assisting an individual with Alzheimer's disease or any form of dementia. At the present time, these will be virtual meetings, conducted by ZOOM conferencing, and participants can join by phone or the internet. The groups provide an opportunity to chat with others who can offer helpful suggestions and a safe space to share.
The meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday each month from 6:00 pm -7:00 pm. Caregivers need to register in advance and will then be able to attend any or all future meetings.
Registration is required: by going to or by emailing
You can also call us at (845) 292-6180 x 122.
The Office for the Aging Case Managers coordinate support services, meeting the senior’s needs. Caregivers are invited to participate in these support plans. The Office for the Aging can be contacted at (845) 794-3000 ext. 5000.
Sometimes a temporary break is needed from caregiving responsibilities. Please call the Office for the Aging at the number above to discuss options that may be available. For caregivers of someone with Alzheimer’s call the Alzheimer’s Association at 1-800-272-3900.
Online resources to combat isolation & support caregivers.
Free digital supports for caregivers from NYS Office for the Aging:
The Caregiver Resource Center is a co-partnered program between Cornell Cooperative Extension and Office for the Aging of Sullivan County and is supported by a grant from the NYS Office for the Aging’s Caregiver Program.
Nancy McGraw
Educator, Caregiver Resource Center
845-292-6180 ext. 122
Last updated September 13, 2024