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Graduates throwing their graduation caps in the air.


Scholarships for HS Seniors

  • Friday, May 26, 2023, 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Be advised that the 4-H Scholarship Policy & Application administered by Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County has been updated in September 2024! Read below for more details and click here to see the policy & procedure document as well at the updated scholarship application.

Sullivan County 4-H Youth Development Scholarship Fund Policy & Procedure


The 4-H Youth Development Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to 4-H members who have demonstrated a commitment to 4-H project areas and community service, and who have participated in annual 4-H Youth Development Scholarship Fund development activities. The scholarship fund supports youth in pursuing leadership, secondary education, or other training opportunities that will enhance knowledge and skills in 4-H project areas.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an active 4-H member in good standing. 4-H’ers who have gone “over the rainbow” are eligible to apply up to their 21st birthday.
  • Have participated in at least one 4-H Scholarship Fund development activity in the previous 2 program years.
  • Have demonstrated a commitment to 4-H project areas through their 4-H involvement as evidence through entering an exhibit at the annual Youth Fair and participating in at least one community service project in the program year.
  • Be enrolled or planning to enroll in a college, university, or vocational/technical school, or a leadership development or training program related to any 4-H project area.

Application Process

Applicants must complete and submit the official application form. Applications are taken on a rolling basis. 4-H participants may apply for up to two Scholarships per program year.

The application form must include:

  • Contact information and 4-H club or independent affiliation.
  • Attestation of the applicant's involvement in 4-H Youth Development Scholarship Fund development related activities (Auction/Artisan Fair) in the previous two program years.
  • Attestation of submission of at least one project in the Sullivan County Youth Fair in at least one of the previous program year.
  • Attestation of participation in at least one community service activity in the previous program year.
  • A description of how the Scholarship will help them achieve those goals.

Selection Process

Applicants who fully complete the Application Form will be eligible to receive up to:

  • Half of the total cost to attend a Youth Development or Leadership workshop or training opportunity, up to $1,000; or
  • Up to $1,000, to offset costs of secondary education (college, university, trade school).

Award Distribution

Scholarship funds will be distributed directly to the 4-H participant (or their designee) upon successful and satisfactory completion of the awarded activity, included a grade of C or better for secondary education activities.

Interested applicants can contact our office at (845) 292-6180 or with any questions or concerns. 


FREE to apply!


Barbara Moran
4-H Youth Development Program Manager
(845) 292-6180 Ext. 109

Last updated February 25, 2025