Adult Connection Flyer


CONNECTION SERIES: Adult Connections

  • Thursday, November 21, 2024, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Be advised this program has been created in partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County to support parents and caregivers with resources and tools for raising children.

Protective factors are safeguards to help children function well at home, in school, and in their community. Building strong relationships and fostering connectivity are essential to providing strong protective factors for our families. Please join us for our fourth session in the 2024 Connection Series!

Your children watch your every move and also how you engage with others. The way adults communicate and handle conflict with another teaches children how to get along with others.

Join us for a 90-minute virtual workshop that will explore:

  • Creating positive connection: date nights, self-care practices, deep breaths
  • Perspective Taking: empathy and compassion - the value of these practices
  • Communication strategies for adults (reflective listening and I-statements



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Last updated August 28, 2024