Join us at Gael Roots Community Farm for great conversation and community with seasoned, beginner, and aspiring farmers in our region! This is a potluck so bring food, drinks to share and stay for a farm tour from the owner!
This program is co-hosted by the Greater Catskills Young Farmers Coalition and supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture award #2022-06508, through the American Rescue Plan. Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County provides equal program and employment opportunities. Contact the office to request accommodations.
Este trabajo cuenta con el apoyo de Greater Catskills Young Farmers Coalition y de la Institución Nacional de Alimentación y Agricultura del USDA a través de la Ley Estadounidense de Rescue de 2021, Premio #2022-06508. La Extensión Cooperativa de Cornell del Condado de Sullivan ofrece igualdad de programas y oportunidades de empleo. El público puede comunicarse con la oficina para solicitar adaptaciones.
Gael Roots Community Farm
734 Cattail Rd
Livingston Manor, NY 12758
Last updated September 6, 2024