Banner In's and Out's

Are you a realtor in Sullivan County? Learn how to work with farmers looking to buy land.


The In's and Out's of Selling Farmland for Realtors

  • Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Are you a realtor in Sullivan County? Learn how to work with farmers looking to buy land in Sullivan County. Learn about:

  • Hobby vs commercial farms
  • Ag districts
  • Ag zoning
  • Ag assessments
  • the importance of disclosing a properties proximity to an ag district

$15 registration fee with lunch included. You can pay cash or check the day of the event, or pay by card here:

Michelle Proscia and Melinda Meddaugh will present on what is farming and agriculture, how both New York State and the Federal Government defines both, and the differences between hobby and commercial farming. Additionally, topics will include the impact agriculture has in the community, the differences between towns and villages, how local zoning laws and town codes can restrict agriculture, and where to find zoning and town code information.

Farm Tax Laws, and other Programs for Farmers:

Michelle and Melinda will present on numerous tax laws and programs that affect farmers, what is required for qualification, and how to apply for the programs. Specific tax topics will include the Agriculture Value Assessment, the Farm Building Exemption, the Farmers School Tax Credit, Historic Barn Rehabilitation Tax Credit, and the Farmers Sales Tax Exemption. Additional topics will include the USDA-FSA Loan Program, New York State New Farmers Grant Fund Program, and USDA-NRCS Funding Programs.

Agriculture District Law:

Michelle and Melinda will present on New York’s Agriculture District Law. This includes the definition of an agriculture district, the benefits of agriculture districts, the application

and approval process, and the requirement of disclosing to potential home buyers if the land is in, or within 500 feet of, an agriculture district. We will also present on tax benefits for landowners, soil and farm types and

Farm Credit East:

Jheilyno Colon will present on the Country Living Loan programs offered at Farm Credit East, covering elegibility, general guidelines, rates and qualifications for their home loans, farm loans and lot/land loan programs. 


$15 (lunch included) You can pay cash or check the day of the event, or pay by card here:



Haley Collins
Agriculture Farmland Protection & Planning Program Manager
845-292-6180 ext. 131


Extension Education Center
64 Ferndale-Loomis Road
Liberty, New York 12754

Last updated May 16, 2024